Mastering eCommerce profitability

Performance Tactics & Data Strategy for Improved CAC Efficiency

Delivering profitability in eCommerce is a complex endeavour that requires an in-depth understanding of numerous factors, from supply and demand dynamics to the intricacies of marketplace competition. For brands striving to maximize their online direct-to-consumer (D2C) revenue, this challenge is compounded by the need for strategic ad spend allocation.

The Importance of Unit Economics

At the heart of improving profitability is a fundamental grasp of your unit economics down to the penny. Surprisingly, many brands lack a clear understanding of this critical aspect. Knowing your unit economics means being aware of all costs associated with producing and delivering your product, including cost of goods sold (COGs), shipping, and handling expenses.

Understanding these details allows you to set realistic and informed performance goals. For instance, it’s not enough to simply target a return on ad spend (ROAS) of 2.7x and assume profitability at scale. This approach overlooks crucial cost variances, such as shipping expenses that differ between countries.

Ad Spend Allocation Across Regions

Consider a scenario where you advertise across multiple European countries without differentiating between them in your campaigns. If you don’t know the specific shipping costs for each country, your acquisition costs could vary significantly, affecting your profitability. By lumping regions together, you lose control over media spend and miss out on optimizing for regions with better margins and conversion rates. This lack of precision also hampers creative personalization and tailoring, further diminishing your marketing efficiency.

Many brands, when they account for ad spend, COGs, and fulfillment costs, inadvertently lose money on customers in certain regions. This is often due to inadequately structured ad accounts, which obscure critical insights necessary for informed decision-making.

Structuring Ad Accounts for Insightful Decision Making

Once you have a detailed understanding of your unit economics, you can establish more accurate key performance indicator (KPI) targets. These targets should guide the structuring of your ad accounts to deliver better insights, enabling smarter media spend allocation across various territories and the Four Cs: channel, collection, campaign, and creative.

For instance, segmenting your ad accounts by region allows you to control and optimize spend based on specific market conditions. This granular approach leads to better performance transparency and more intelligent decisions regarding where to allocate your budget for maximum impact.

The Crucial Role of Conversion Tracking

All the aforementioned strategies hinge on having optimal conversion tracking. Accurate tracking feeds maximum data signals to ad platforms, providing a clear picture of ad spend performance across your channels. Without precise tracking, your view of the effectiveness of your ad spend becomes blurred.

This could lead to misguided decisions, such as increasing spend on a channel that isn’t delivering incremental revenue. Moreover, controlling attribution windows based on shopper behavior and multi-channel spending is essential for understanding the true impact of your marketing efforts.

Signal. Strategy. Answers.

In our approach, we emphasize three pillars: Signal, Strategy, and Answers. Getting these right from a paid media and data strategy perspective can significantly influence the success of a digitally native brand. By focusing on accurate data signals, strategic planning, and actionable insights, brands can navigate the complexities of eCommerce profitability with greater precision and confidence.

In conclusion

Mastering profitability in eCommerce requires a meticulous approach to understanding unit economics, strategic ad spend allocation, and robust conversion tracking. By refining these elements, brands can enhance their profitability and achieve sustainable growth in the competitive online marketplace.