Shopfluence by Dyzio

1. What’s your name and title, what do you do day-to-day in 20 words or fewer?

Matt Hebden, Co-founder / CEO.
Helping to deliver organic growth for D2C brands, through influencer-driven UGC and affiliate marketing at scale.

2. At Shopfluence you help eCommerce brands seamlessly manage, scale, and automate their influencer gifting and affiliate programs. Can you give us a success story for a D2C brand you’ve worked with? E.g. what was the problem? What did you do? What were the results?

Abbott Lyon ran a time-consuming and people-heavy process to manage their influencer gifting program.

From recruiting and communicating with each influencer individually to distributing gifts manually and finally searching for the influencers’ content once live, to try and track performance.

They were looking for a platform to help them manage and scale their gifting program and selected Shopfluence to help solve this problem.

Shopfluence created a series of automated, white-labelled emails – where each influencer receives a unique code, so they can select a product directly from the Abbott Lyon store, which is then distributed via their normal distribution channels.

Shopfluence automatically tracked every piece of UGC produced by Abbott Lyon’s influencers and provided real-time insights into the performance.

Abbott Lyon were able to rapidly scale their gifting program from 100 to 1,000 influencers, delivering over 3,000 pieces of UGC in 3 months from launch.

3. You specialise in UGC creation and affiliate marketing for eCommerce brands – what piece of advice would you give to DTC brands who want to improve in this area?

Look to automate complex and manual processes:

For example, if you want to drive brand awareness and traffic at the top of the funnel, look for tools and services that can help automate the process of creating and distributing content on social channels – that can also provide real-time insights to highlight what’s working, and where to invest your time and money.

4. What do you think the biggest challenges facing eCommerce/D2C businesses will be over the next 12-18 months?

Finding channels to deliver consistent organic growth, to support paid media advertising.

5. Complete this sentence – DTC brands that survive and thrive in 2023 will …

Understand how they can consistently scale their customer base and sales through organic channels and customer retention.

6. Name three D2C brands that are killing it and whom you recommend others to emulate/learn from.

Glossier – Mastered the art of community building
Beauty Pie – Amazing free trial and attractive membership options
Who gives a crap – Making a positive and sustainable impact sells